
CySEC's Regulatory Sandbox: Fostering Financial Innovation in a Controlled Environment

Overview & Objectives

Building on its ongoing dialogue with market participants and experts since the launch of the Innovation Hub, the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) has introduced its Regulatory Sandbox. This initiative is designed to strike a balance between technological innovation, investor protection, and market integrity within the financial services sector. The Regulatory Sandbox provides a controlled testing environment for both regulated and unregulated firms to experiment with innovative solutions and products under CySEC’s supervision.

Objectives of the Regulatory Sandbox:

  1. Enhance Cooperation: Establish a transparent cooperation channel between entities developing technology-based solutions and CySEC.
  2. Adapt Regulations: Ensure that the regulatory landscape evolves in line with technological advancements in financial services.

Why Join the Sandbox?

Participants in the Regulatory Sandbox will benefit from the opportunity to conduct small-scale testing of their innovative products and services within a controlled environment. CySEC provides close monitoring and guidance, offering constructive feedback on how the regulatory framework applies to their innovations. This collaboration helps firms ensure compliance while refining their offerings.

Eligibility Criteria

The CySEC Regulatory Sandbox is open to both regulated and unregulated entities that are engaged in financial innovation through technology. Unregulated entities can participate by:

  • Obtaining prior CySEC authorization for the regulated services they intend to engage in.
  • Testing innovative solutions within their corporate group or through other exemptions.
  • Performing demo services.
  • Collaborating with a CySEC-regulated entity.

Applicants must demonstrate that their proposed innovative solution:

  • Facilitates activities within CySEC’s supervisory scope.
  • Introduces authentic innovation in terms of product, service, or business model.
  • Is mature enough for testing in a production environment.
  • Benefits the financial services industry.

Phases of the Regulatory Sandbox

  1. Application Phase: Interested firms complete an application form and submit it to CySEC. Applications are assessed within 6-8 weeks.
  2. Preparation Phase: Successful applicants collaborate with CySEC to agree on specific testing parameters, which are formalized in a testing agreement. A dedicated case officer guides the participant through this phase.
  3. Testing Phase: Over six months, participants conduct small-scale testing within a controlled environment. CySEC provides guidance and monitors compliance through interim reports.
  4. Evaluation/Exit Phase: Participants prepare a comprehensive exit report analyzing test milestones and key performance indicators. CySEC assesses these reports to provide feedback.

Launch Event Highlights

CySEC launched its Regulatory Sandbox during an online event on June 11, 2024, attended by over 500 stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, financial institutions, law firms, and technology firms. The event emphasized CySEC’s commitment to balancing innovation, investor protection, and market integrity.

Benefits for Participants

Firms participating in the Regulatory Sandbox can expect:

  • Direct collaboration with CySEC to ensure regulatory compliance.
  • A structured platform to test and validate new technologies and business models.
  • Feedback and insights from CySEC to enhance their offerings.


The launch of CySEC’s Regulatory Sandbox represents a significant milestone for the financial services sector in Cyprus. By fostering innovation in a supportive environment, CySEC promotes technological progress while safeguarding market integrity and investor protection. Interested firms can find the relevant application form on CySEC’s website. This initiative supports the development of innovative financial solutions, ensuring they are tested and refined within a regulatory framework that evolves with technological advancements.

Disclaimer: This article provides general information and should not be construed as legal advice. For personalized guidance and advice on specific legal matters, please consult with qualified legal professionals familiar with the relevant regulations.

For inquiries and further information, please contact our experts at office@tashevlaw.com.

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